Questions & Answers

How can I fix low and bad sound quality coming from my audiobox usb?

+1 vote
asked Aug 23, 2021 in AudioBox USB by brunocarbonell (130 points)
So this has been happening since I got the audio interface, I plug it in and suddenly all sound that comes out from my computer, plugins and other apps sounds horrible and insanely low also if I record something and then listen to it without the audio interface being involved, it sounds good, so I'm guessing there is only a problem when the audio is coming out of the interface.
I used to fix this by switching one of the pan knobs from the daw all the way to the left or right and then it sounded okay somehow? But then again I would need switch everything back to the center once I was done, otherwise the whole recording would only be coming out of only one of the headphones and I couldn't do anything with the mixing aspect of things because I'm always forced to have the pan knob on one side.
Also the sound quality was even better when I exported the audio, so I wasn't even getting proper sound quality from this temporal fix.

Thanks a lot for the help!

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2021 by bobreinke (200 points)
Are you plugged into a USB 3 port? I found that USB2 is too slow to transfer the data properly. I had the same issue until i moved it to a USB 3 port.
0 votes
answered Sep 10, 2022 by pedrorobinetmontalvo (140 points)

I just got an Studio1810 like a week ago and was really surprised by having the same issue. I've been using a much cheaper audio interface for 2 years and never got had this kind of muddiness coming out from the audio interface (I'm using the headphones port and also using some cheap speakers that don't really sound bad, but with the Studio 1810, God they do now). I'm connected to a USB3 port and not using an outlet extension, so I don't get what else could be the problem. Everything sounds better when the audio is not coming from the Studio1810. I'd would really appreciate if someone can help me with this.

0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2023 by sanderteunissen (140 points)
edited Feb 10, 2023 by sanderteunissen
Do you use a headset with a built-in microphone? Because those headphones will have a TRRS jack (two rings in the middle) to support the additional microphone signal, whereas the input into the audiobox should be a TRS type jack (just one ring in the middle, to support left & right stereo sound). This fixed the issue for me.