Questions & Answers

Export Mixdown location options

+2 votes
asked Feb 11, 2024 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by oinha (230 points)
edited Feb 11, 2024 by oinha

I would very much like either:

A) an option in Export Mixdown window:
[x] Remember location

Which ticked, Studio One would always remember the last directory location used to Export Mixdown. I.e. Export Mixdown Location would not reset to default, until I untick the box and restart Studio One.

If this option is not touched, then everything works as it does now.


B) An option in Export Mixdown window:
[x] Use last location

Which ticked, Studio One would automatically fill in the Location path with whatever directory path was used in last Mixdown Export. I.e. ticking this box would in real-time toggle between Default Location directory path and last used Location directory path.

If this option is not touched, then everything works as it does now.


Not preferred, but better than nothing:
C) For Options -> Locations tab -> "User data" tab to provide more elaborate data locations than a single "User Data Location", in order to have a configurable Export Mixdown Default Location.

If this option is not touched, then everything works as it does now.

I saw there were a couple of similar questions (in Studio One 4 area  and in Documentation area) all the way from 2018, but none in Feature Requests, so I figured I'll drop it here too, so it won't be forgotten. I'm a relatively new Studio One user and find this location problem very unconvenient in 2024.
