Questions & Answers

About midi velocity edit in PRV

0 votes
asked Feb 26 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by pqqzlexc (200 points)

Many DAWs have an option for setting the velocity and durations of new notes to the last touched value. Eg, click on a note with velocity 40% and the next notes added will be the same.
In S1 it seems you can set a default for velocity and duration, and that's about it. If the default is wrong, you have two choices, which are change it ahead of time, or drag the new notes.
Is there to have these defaults automatically scaled to the last note touched?
A tickbox right beside the default velocity section can be there enabling us to "remember last touched note value" when it's ticked.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 21 by pqqzlexc (200 points)
I need that!