Questions & Answers

Is anyone running Waves Tune with StudioOne v6

0 votes
asked Mar 5 in Studio One 6 by LucasTX (2,710 points)
Folks, I upgraded to v6 professional without noticing that Rewire support had been dropped (my fault). I use Waves Tune which uses Rewire. Has anyone had success running Waves Tune on StudioOne v6?  (Note, I bought a Melodyne Assistance license but it is missing the line draw feature - it simply is not in the same league as Wave Tune for simple, accurate vocal pitch adjustments).

When I have tried to use Waves Tune in S1 v6 the main problem is navigation - getting the song to start at the point you want it to start at.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 8 by ShawnBrown1749 (400 points)
I am using waves real tune with 6.5 and all works. Can’t speak for waves real tune and the difference