Questions & Answers

Can you provide a simple explanation of transposing a song in Notion?

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asked Mar 8, 2024 in Notion by docjefft (120 points)
Perhaps I'm being dense, but I have yet to fully understand how to transpose a song in Notion. Sometimes it works well, but in other cases I can not find the right combination of intervals or other options. For example, I now have a song written in A Major (3 sharps). I want to transpose it to Ab Major (4 flats). I think I have tried almost every combination of intervals and options such as "diminished," "augmented," "major," and "minor," but cannot get the song into Ab Major without there being multiple accidentals all over the score, as if it is trying to retain the original pitches instead of actually changing an A to and Ab, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.