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FEATURE REQUEST: Add Graphic "Alert" Notation to Track or Channel Where Track Notes Have Been Added

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asked Apr 3, 2024 in Documentation by robertklein2 (120 points)

While I appreciate and enjoy having the ability to enter "Track Notes" associated with a particular song, I also feel that the note, itself, is insufficient for documentation purposes given the current lack of a graphic "Note" icon associated with the track or channel where the note has been created. The best way to understand the problem is with an example that I recently brought to the attention of customer support. Here's what I told the individual who was assisting me with the case:

One other question that I've been meaning to ask that's relevant to your answer is: How do we know if we've created a note in a particular location within a song? As an example, I removed the Aux channel that I created as a result of you teling me that aux channels are exclusively for audio inputs. As an alternative, as you recommended, I created another Bus channel. In order to understand why I have a 2nd Bus channel with a similar name to the 1st Bus channel, I created a note in the 2nd Bus channel that shows up under the channel name in the Track Notes tab that explains the reason for the addition of the 2nd Bus channel. When I'm looking at the 2nd Bus channel a month from now and I'm wondering why I added this channel, how will I know that I created a note that provides the reason for doing this without right-clicking on the channel and looking for the note. Is there some sort of "Note" icon that's created whenever we create a new note that's added to the particular section where the note has been created? 

The customer support person responded by telling me, "There's no way to know that you have a note other than opening the notes panels to see what's there or looking at Song Information > Track Notes."

Given this situation, my feature request is to add some type of obvious graphic "alert" notation to each track or channel to which track notes have been added. I would like to have the ability to hover over the graphic and have the applicable note be immediately visible in its entirety without having to wade through a list of Track Notes to locate it. 

This ties in with a "bigger picture" objective/feature request of mine of providing us with the ability to create and edit an audit trail for an entire song that we may refer to at any time during or following the song creation process that enables us to easily and quickly see and understand the process that we followed to create a particular song at whatever level of detail we choose to provide. The audit trail that I have in mind would have the potential to go much deeper than what is currently available on the Info and Song Notes tabs associted with Song Information.

Both feature requests would potentially be valuable for not only the song where the information is entered but also when creating new songs that have similar issues and associated documentation requirements. 

