Questions & Answers

Installer v1_3_56_53.exe is this the correct driver for AudioBox USB 1.3

0 votes
asked May 25, 2016 in AudioBox USB by TagSongs (150 points)
I have the AudioBox USB 1.3 with S1 V3 on my PC,,, I recently upgraded from Windows 7 to windows 10... and now when I bring up S1 V3 my play button will not move nor do I have sound... trouble shooting I found the driver was unavailable... now I want to get the correct driver... from my product page in my Presonus the release notes say I have AudioBox 1.3... I see the latest driver is AudioBox USB v1.3 - PC... now looking at the release notes I saw something that said AudioBox 1.3 is only supported by Winsows 8 and 8.1...

so can someone tell me if this driver "AudioBox USB v1.3 - PC" is what I need to install ... I have an open ticket but have not heard from support in 3 days ... any help would be appreciated Gerry

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 26, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
Yes, the v1.3 driver is currently (as of May 26th, 2016) the most recent driver and is supported on Windows 10.