Questions & Answers

32R Main L/R receive from 32S in standalone and 32SX in monitor mode

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asked Jul 17 in StudioLive Series III by JordanSharp (120 points)

We have a 32R (in stagebox mode), 32S (FOH in standalone) and 32SX ('Livestream'- in monitor mode receiving SUB A-D from FOH and some direct AVB channels).

When in this configuration the 32R is not receiving the Main L/R (AVB 39/40) from the 32S FOH console... When I 'un-network' the 32SX all works fine with the 32R receiving the Main L/R from the FOH console... When I switch the 32SX also into standalone mode this console sends the Main L/R to the 32R and works like the 32S should...

Network clock is internal for the 32S (FOH), others are set to network stream.

Am I missing something key to the way presonus studio lives route and/or some kind of precedent selection?

Thanks heaps!

1 Answer

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answered Aug 4 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
From what you described, looks like the AVB network is routing all traffic to the 32SX because it is the monitor; the default AVB setup (w/Presonus) will setup the "monitor" console as the routing "hub" for the network.

You may have success with that setup if you set the 32SX as a "stand-alone".  In reality, the 32SX is not working as a monitor, but more as a "broadcast" console.  This will not impact the other consoles (or their assignments).