Questions & Answers

Only getting Digital Gain instead of Preamp Gain

0 votes
asked Jul 24 in StudioLive Series III by CalebRodewald (150 points)
We have a 24R that we are using as a stage mixer (for IEMs) and stage box—sending the inputs over AVB to our StudioLive 32. Until recently I could control the gain on the 24R from the 32, but now I am only getting DIG Gain control. We had to factory reset the 24R recently because of some issues, and this problem only started since then. Can't get back the preamp control.

I would appreciate any help, I have been through menus on both boards and can't seem to find a setting that would switch this back.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 25 by robertweston2 (10,440 points)
selected Jul 31 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
If you did a factory reset on the 24R, that probably reset the firmware of the 24R to the level it was when that 24R was manufactured.  Check the firmware of the 24R and make sure it is the current version.  There were a lot of AVB/networking changes for the Presonus line just in this last year (2024).