Questions & Answers

Using a Studio 24c standalone (without a PC)

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asked Aug 1, 2024 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by paulgraves3 (120 points)
Hi!  I just tried using my Studio 24c standalone (using a regular USB power supply rather than a PC).  The light stayed solid red, not blinking, not blue.

It worked!

That's great, but can I rely on that always working?  I have a mixer with four XLR inputs, but I occasionally need 5 or 6.  I recently had a gig and borrowed a friend's mixer (of course, one of his inputs was wonky, etc.), but I'd rather use my own equipment.

So, my question is, is the 24c designed to work stand-alone?  Will it work safely and reliably for hours?  Can I trust it to work that way for a whole gig?

Another workaround would be to just bring along a laptop and plug it into there I suppose, but I'd rather travel lighter if possible.  Thanks in advance.