Questions & Answers

Grouping Audio Tracks for "Delete Time" or "Ripple" Edits (Feature Request)

+2 votes
asked Aug 8, 2024 in Editing by r_burroughs95 (220 points)
edited Aug 8, 2024 by r_burroughs95

I'm requesting a feature to speed up the audio editing process for audiobooks and podcasting, specifically to efficiently close gaps between dialogue across multiple tracks while keeping them synced.

Currently, I place all tracks into a single folder and use the "ripple effect" to manually delete dead space. However, this method strains my RAM, and if I miss one of the various tracks when not using the folder method, I risk desynchronizing the audio across multiple tracks.

I've tried edit lock, clicking and dragging, grouping, and "delete time," but none have resolved the issue.

Could we consider adding a feature to the DAW software that allows for more efficient gap closing without risking desynchronization?

See the attached video for a visual explanation.

Ronald L. Wilkins II
