Questions & Answers

Ability to save and recall different settings for Audio setup / Song setup

+35 votes
asked Jun 2, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by sw_tas (480 points)
I have changed hardware and when I open an old song, the Audio setup / Song setup settings are gone. I have to set them up again for each song. I can find no way of saving a setup so that I can simply reload it for each old song. Is there a way of doing this?

I can imagine it would be necessary for anyone who wants to edit a song on different equipment at different locations.




Asus P8Z68-VLE Motherboard,  16GB RAM, Samsung 850 EVO SSD x 2

Win 7x64, Studio One Professional

Presonus StudioLive 16.0.2

9 Answers

+8 votes
answered Jun 4, 2016 by Skip Jones (166,990 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

To vote:

In agreement click on the little blue triangle pointing up.

In disagreement click on the little blue triangle pointing down.

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

–1 vote
answered Sep 23, 2016 by Scoox (17,310 points)
I could be wrong but if you hook up your DAW to a different sound card Studio One has no reason to assume you'll be using the inputs and outputs in the exact same way as you did with the previously connected sound card. An example, say the first card has 8 outputs and you have your speakers connected to 7 & 8, and the new card has only 4 outputs. Furthermore, even if you always use outputs 1 & 2 for your speakers, the DAW has no reason to assume this will be the case.

I haven't tested this thoroughly but Studio One appears to remember the song setup for each device. So, for example, if you are using an RME Babyface Pro in your studio, if you hook up a different Babyface Pro it would recall the previous song setup for that interface. Of course, if you connect a different model of audio interface, there is always a good chance that any assumptions made by Studio One could be wrong, therefore by design it makes no assumptions.
+1 vote
answered Sep 23, 2016 by sw_tas (480 points)
Thanks Scoox, but it doesn't work for me.

It would seem so simple to put a save/open capability into the song setup.
It's very frustrating when I have to set up the same 16 channels every time I open an old song.
0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2017 by mecaudio (750 points)
Agreed. I recently have upgraded my Apogee Symphony I/O from an 8x8 configuration to a 32x32 channel. I have over a hundred Studio One sessions that a lot of them I have to open up and do work in. This is a feature that I have been asking for for years now. I don't mind setting it up once. But please let me save it and open it back up. Or better yet Studio One should just automatically start with everything the third party interface driver has to offer. Then let us delete vs having us have to add all of our inputs and outputs. Every time I open a old session with my new hardware configuration, I have to add every Stereo pair input, every mono input! Then I have to add every stereo output pair, then every single mono output. This is every time I have to open a session that was not started with that configuration. It is painful. Because of this when I record bands I still have to use Pro Tools. Which I would much rather just use Studio One. I have run into issues where I had bands in ready to record. After I get all the microphones setup. I go to Studio One to start labeling tracks and assigning inputs. Then realize that I have absolutely no I/O configured to use. So I have to ditch Studio One and switch to Pro Tools for the session or spend an hour plus programming my I/O.
+1 vote
answered Apr 23, 2017 by sw_tas (480 points)
The problem worsens.
Now I have lost the audio setup on two songs that were definitely recorded on the same StudioLive 16.0.2 desk that's currently connected.
On both occasions I have had to work through the audio setup, create stereo channels and labeling them, while someone was waiting. Frustrating and embarrassing.

What kind of software doesn't allow you to save and recall your setup?
+3 votes
answered May 13, 2017 by wesleyamltd (300 points)
This is a very important feature in regards to workflow. I need to be working and not constantly patching audio IN/OUT routing. This is a no brainer to fix. Voting should have no baring because this should be a default feature in Studio One. Having to label the routing for 40 IN's and Out's is time consuming. Please fix this issue.
+2 votes
answered May 23, 2018 by stevenicel (3,930 points)
This should have been built into the DAW from day one. Do it already Presonus. It's a workflow killer this oversight.
+1 vote
answered Jul 15, 2018 by jesseharradine (940 points)
I can not believe this is not setup already, i just re did my input/output setup 3 times and each time i reset my computer it vanished. how is there not drop down / templates / import / export ... this is insane this feature has been ignored and more important than almost anything else i can think of... i will be returning my copies of studio one 4 if this is not fixed soon. just un real!
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2020 by marvinstang (150 points)
I'd really wish that, as I'll be having a laptop in a drum room, and one in a Hammond room, each with another audio interface.