Questions & Answers

Attempting to access Options/Audio IO/Song Setup Menu causes lock-up after 3.5 update on W10 PC.

0 votes
asked Jun 2, 2017 in Studio One 3 by richardholgarth (160 points)
I'm running S1 3.5 Pro on a 64-W10/i5/32gb machine. Since updating, everything  was running perfectly UNTIL I attempted to access my AUDIO I/O settings..This resulted in a screen freeze but with Cursor and active inputs still operable. After reboot, I attempted to enter the Options menu from menu bar - same result. In fact any request to access Options,Audio I/O, Song Set Up etc freezes the screen and requires an End Task. It doesn't seem related to my Interface drivers as it also occurs when they are disabled. I have re-installed S1 twice so far with no solution. Any ideas please?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

This is an advanced function. 

The StudioOne.settings file holds your Device I/O information that is causing the issue. We need to remove it and reset it. 

  1. Make sure you're out of Studio One and all other program windows are closed.
  2. Hold down your Windows Key and select the R button (Win + R) and type %appdata% and hit enter
  3. In the next window open up the PreSonus folder, then open the Studio One Folder and delete the StudioOne.settings file. 
  4. Close the window.
  5. Launch Studio One 3 and you may be prompted to agree to the user agreement again, then go to your Start Page and Configure Audio device, and select your device again. 
  6. You should be able to go into options now and make your changes. 
  7. if this fails, contact support for assistance. (
This will reset the device I/O configuration that is store in your Studio One Configuration. 
NOTE: Don't delete everything in the AppData / PreSonus / Studio One folder or you will need to re-authorize Studio One install. 
