Questions & Answers

[FR] Latency Plugin Bypass

+13 votes
asked Jun 5, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by Backbeat (540 points)
I use the funtion in Cubase all the time.

The function is for Software Monitoring.

It bypasses all plugins that have a positive latency above a given latency that´s adjustable in preferences.

For example: If you play guitar via a amp simulation plugin and have a maximizer or compressor with lookahead in signal chain you have a delay that is caused by the plugins.

The function in cubase is named constrain delay compensation it is a clock in parantheses.

Every time I want to record midi or audio I press the button in cubase and after that again to have all plugins in the signal chain.

I miss this function in S1.

Here the screenshots from the funtion in Cubase:

5 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jun 6, 2016 by Skip Jones (166,990 points)
selected Jun 26, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2016 by MarkyGoldstein (6,940 points)
If you'd combined this with the idea of being able to group inserts, you might be able to toggle on/off the group by the press of a button (while some plugins stay active).

Also you could combine it with the "Modes" feature request which allows you to set the entire DAW (Song) into "Tracking" , "Mixing" or "Guitar Recording" mode, and then to turn on and off Insert Groups as you want them to be set in that Mode.
0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2016 by Backbeat (540 points)

Grouping of Inserts is not the same!

This Latency Bypass only bypasses plugins above a given latency.

In all audio chains! You don´t have to look which plugin causes latency.

I use this function for years in cXXXX ....
–1 vote
answered Jun 8, 2016 by Zirrex (9,870 points)

What about it?

+1 vote
answered Jun 8, 2016 by niles (54,670 points)

@ Zirrex answer: Ignore Plug-in latency entirely disables the plugin delay compensation which is different than constrain delay compensation. Constrain delay compensation disables/deactivates only plugins that exceed a latency threshold and ONLY on channels that are armed for record, instrument channels, group channels and output channels.

So when you set the threshold to 1ms and your song has a few look ahead compressors in it that introduce 1.2ms latency and a few EQ's that introduce 0.8ms latency, the compressors will be temporarily turned off (if residing on the aforementioned type of channels) when constrain delay compensation is enabled.

It's a pretty nifty and helpful feature for recording within busy projects.
