Questions & Answers

24.4.2 track 25 and 26 mixdown out of logic or studio 1

0 votes
asked Jul 7, 2016 in Classic Mixers by mheupel (120 points)
24.4.2 classic mixer ,  Logic 9

Can someone explain the process of recording tracks 25 and 26 when mixing back through the firewire returns on the board?   Would like to take the board mix down to 2 track stereo.  Is there any step by step tutoruials anyone is aware of ?    thanks for any input anyone can provide!

1 Answer

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answered Oct 12, 2016 by abrand2 (32,110 points)

Conceptually the same thing expressed on this article is the same process you would want to use on any other recording software, which is expressed on Studio One 2 specifically.  The key to this article is that you can learn what the Auxiliary inputs router does, and how you go about routing these kinds of buses through your software itself.

Take these instructions, mimic the process that would be completed on Logic, and you're good to go!
