Questions & Answers

Can't connect to UC surface with laptop running windows 10

0 votes
asked Jul 27, 2016 in Ai Mixers by kliffdog (340 points)

I am running a RM16AI. I want to control it via ethernet cable with a laptop running windows 10. Windows 10 sees the mixer. Just calls it an unknown network with no internet connection. I can not get it to talk to the mixer. When opening up UC Surface no mixers show up. 

Current set up: 

  • HP laptop running Windows 10
  • RM16AI 
  • Ethernet cable connect direct to the back of mixer and usb adaptor to the laptop. 
Any suggestions on how to get it working? I checked to see if the computer was allowing UC Surface to use public and private networks. It has permission for both. It just won't connect on the private network. 

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Jul 28, 2016 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)
Best answer
Are you using a router between your RM mixer and the computer? If not, you'll need to do this. You can't direct connect the RM mixer to a computer's ethernet port for control (unless you've installed a Dante option card on your RM mixer.)

You can find more information on a Wired Ethernet Control Setup on page 13 of the RM-Series Manual: