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Problem getting BUNDLED SOUNDS.

+2 votes
asked Jul 27, 2016 in Studio One 3 by viralchaudhari (220 points)

I've just got installed Studio one 3 Prime the previous day. I am having problem installing (or downloading) bundled sounds including Studio One Instruments Volume 2 and Prime Selection Loops and Sounds. The other ones are fine.

But with these two, no matter what I do, they just keep failing to download.

Whenever I try to install them, they start downloading as usual. And its fine. But never complete and keep failing.

I've tried both the ways(wheather within the software itself or from the site). Iv'e tried even on different PC.

Still no Luck.

The internet connection is fine.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 27, 2016 by philangus (10,160 points)
Are you doing this from within Studio One or are you clicking on it on the web site to download?
0 votes
answered Jul 27, 2016 by viralchaudhari (220 points)

Reply to philangus.

Just after installing Studio One 3 Prime, I did it from within the application. For other add-ons except the two mentioned in question got installed fine. But these two failed.

And then I tried downloading from the web site. It starts downloading as usual. But after a few minutes, Fails. Never complete.

Even I deleted all the add-ons and tried again. Others got downloaded and installed as usual and they're working fine.

But the Whole problem is with just TWO.

Studio One Instruments Volume 2 and Prime Selection Loops and Sounds. 

0 votes
answered Jul 28, 2016 by philangus (10,160 points)
That's very odd because I have just tried and they downloaded fine. Could it be that you have a limit for download of data with your internet provider and you have hit that limit for this month? Bear in mind both of these files are 2.31 gig. Can you try from a different location?
0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2016 by viralchaudhari (220 points)

Reply to philangus.

Thanks for your concern. But Internet Provider's limit is not a problem.

But that's Ok. Actually I am an Animator. I just have finished with my 3D Animated Short. Its my personal project.

And I was looking for the options for Score for the short.

While animating the short I had the Idea of what kind of Music I need for it. And despite of  all of the add-ons, whatever I have at the time of Installation of Studio One, I've checked the vst and loops and instruments available in the software, I think I'm Good with them all.

So it will be ok, if the full package of add-ons are not there.

I now am satisfied with stuff i've right now on Studio One.

So, once again, Thank you for your concern.

Good Luck with your work.
