Questions & Answers

How do I use Studio One V.2 as a standalone editing software without using the Audiobox?

0 votes
asked Aug 22, 2016 in Studio One 2 by kingrecorder (150 points)
I only have the software, and not the Audiobox, and when I try to import WAV files for track editing, the program won't play back the audio. It's almost like the tracks are completely dead.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
selected Aug 23, 2016 by PreSonuSales2
Best answer
You have to go into your audio device setup and select your on board audio as your output.

You may need to go into Song Setup and then Audio I/O and under the Output Tab add a Stereo Output bus.

Then in the mix screen (F3) you need to make sure the output over your master fader is selected as the same output.