Questions & Answers

When will true full-functional AVB be implemented in RM AI mixers?

+4 votes
asked Sep 3, 2016 in Ai Mixers by denisrandrianasolo (280 points)
I bought the RM16AI mixer, because my main interests were to be able to use it as an audio interface in the studio as well as using it as a mixer for live gigs.

For live, I was mainly excited by the fact that it would have the AVB feature that would save me from having a clutter of cables crawling down the floor and being able to use only one ethernet cable for all my audio connections to my Mac for instance.
But the thing is that until now, it's not totally AVB because you can only use the RM mixers with the CS controllers.
And my guess is that this AVB feature won't come that soon!
I think Presonus' priority is for us to buy their CS controllers.

I want it to be clear for Presonus, that I absolutely don't plan at all to buy these CS controllers just to please them or their wallet.
I want true AVB as it's been announced, not some kind of proprietary connection in disguise!
I want to connect the RM16AI to my Mac or some other (third party) AVB capable gears.
I won't wait that AVB until something new and cheaper with more features and functionalities come out just to make me buy it!
I'm ready to sell my RM16AI and move to another more complete brand.

Come on Presonus!
It's been almost 2 years that the RM mixers series have been commercialized and it's still not totally fully functional?!!! (no MIDI and no full AVB features implemented as it's been announced?).

It's like selling a car without tires and telling your customers that they will get their tires in the 3 three next years.
When we buy cars, it's for driving them the minute we buy them!

Just my two cents, thanks for reading!

5 Answers

–3 votes
answered Nov 4, 2016 by abrand2 (32,110 points)
Best answer

With StudioLive AI mixers, we invented the AVB implementation ourselves because there where no other solutions available at the time. The new StudioLive Series III mixers were developed on a new platform, using new DSP and AVB chips that were not available previously. These new AVB chips offer many features that require no or minimal additional development from our engineering team. 

We have not stopped supporting or continuing to develop the StudioLive AI platform; it’s just taking longer to implement the full functionality than we planned.

asked Jul 17, 2018 in Ai Mixers by donntarris1 (3,090 points) AVB on RM Ai16 mixer?
0 votes
answered Sep 5, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
Who can define what "fully functional" is? AVB is in its early stages of development and only a handful companies have put some features together, that work for them. But don't try connect a AVB product of company A with a AVB product of company B - it simply does not work and it is not said that it will ever do.

There is no "whitebook" listing what AVB should deliver. AVB@PreSonus means some variations of networking and cascading, but recording over AVB network is still not possible and HD audio also does not work (also not with Dante). PreSonus still thinks firewire - because it works best! You have a Mac, a RM mixer and a firewire cable (came with your RM), so what else do you need for professional recording? You can use AVB or Dante additionally for all kinds of monitoring and for live work a RM (with router and iPad) is a phantastic good tool!

It is good to remember to not buy anything for what it might become one day, but for what it is today. Maybe you should discover what your RM16AI is able to do for you today.
+1 vote
answered Sep 6, 2016 by denisrandrianasolo (280 points)
How does Motu make AVB work with their interfaces plugged into a Mac?
You can record audio over AVB, because THAT'S what it's meant for, besides routing audio from and to different places.
You can route and record HD audio over Dante, check out Focusrite Dante Ready interfaces, and other brands' products like Yamaha...
An AVB product from a company A, works with an AVB product from a company B of course!!
 It's a protocol that they both share!
Or else it doesn't make sense to make any protocol and ambitioning to even make it an industry standard!
It would be completely absurd. You can't make as many different AVBs as there are as many different companies!

The router and the iPad are only for controlling the software that manages the mixer (which is a good thing) , but it's not for recording!
My interest for the RM16AI was led by the price, the connections, and the features announced.
When you're at the FOH engineer position, with many feet away from the stage, these features are welcome especially the AVB Audio routing (only one ethernet cable for all the audio stream that allows recording).
The Dante optional card is an extra price of 599€.
If I had to choose I would have gone for Dante but it was not the installed default card.
The AVB card was installed by default, so it's legitimate that I would expect AVB on my interface...
–1 vote
answered Sep 6, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
edited Sep 7, 2016 by wahlerstudios
AVB and Dante always makes me think of Apple. If you want a better "tool", you have to pay the extra money. Dante (Audinate) is like Apple - but without own products. You can't use the name Dante without Audinate's permission. Audinate decides and gets paid well for letting a product be part of their "system". But this system works and that is why it could become a professional standard.

It looks like AVB is quite a distance away from becoming such a standard. It is said that many parts of this "protocol" are still in discussion and development. This will take time, so users take what works - Dante... Besides this the names you mentioned are in a totally different league than PreSonus, also pricewise. PreSonus is not really Pro Audio. Nevertheless any company has to first think of their own product range and how to make everything going. PreSonus is doing nothing different than any other company.
You may try to have a look from a different point of view: If you want to record "over network" at 44.1 or 48 kHz, you find a lot of products (mixers, preamps, cards etc.). But how much do the tools cost if you you look for recording at 88.2 or 96 or even 192 kHz...? That is why I think that using Firewire is still a very good way to go. PreSonus' gear (SL, RM) allows 96 K recording with Firewire and remote control at the same time. Capture is now also part of UC Surface for iPad, which can make handling very easy.

Of course, Firewire needs a direct connection between RM and computer and your inputs have to somehow get to RM. In a studio it should be not a problem to use a snake. Or you get one of those cables plus adapters, which allow to send four XLR signals over one CAT5 cable. There are ways to make things easy and effective. And: If you want to "record over AVB", get a second RM16 and cascade them (master/slave = FOH/stagebox) over AVB network. Now Firewire makes multitrack recording (44.1 + 48 kHz) possible at both RM's. And the cable between the two RM's is CAT5... ;-)

[This is an response to your answer "How does Motu make AVB work..."]
0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2023 by JefferyOllsen (600 points)
edited Sep 24, 2023 by JefferyOllsen

Waiting for promised features can be frustrating. It's like buying a car and not getting the tires right away. Regarding your mention of the RM mixer series, it's essential to hold companies accountable for delivering on their promises. As for the technical side, it's a bit like an engine's firing order – the sequence matters for everything to run smoothly. Also read also Nissan Titan Years to Avoid. Hopefully, Presonus will roll out those missing features sooner rather than later!
