Questions & Answers

studio one 3 reconized audiobox usb but wont connect midi keyboard worked fine berfore just stopped

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asked Sep 9, 2016 in Studio One 3 by demariowoods (150 points)
Yamaha psr 160 midi

1 Answer

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answered Apr 17, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Here are the complete instructions on setting up a MIDI device.

Set Up Your MIDI Devices

All MIDI-capable hardware devices are collectively referred to as External Devices in Studio One. There are three types of External Devices: Keyboards, Instruments, and Control Surfaces. While each device type functions in a slightly different way, there is one menu to add and configure any External Device. The menu can be found by navigating to Studio One/Options/External Devices/Add Device (Mac OS X: Preferences/External Devices/Add Device).

Set Up MIDI Keyboards

A MIDI keyboard controller is a hardware MIDI device that is generally used for playing and controlling other MIDI devices, virtual software instruments, and software parameters. In Studio One, these devices are referred to as Keyboards. Before recording a performance with a Keyboard, the MIDI keyboard controller must first be set up in Studio One. Once a Keyboard is set up, it is available at all times for use in Studio One.

To set up your Keyboard, navigate to Studio One/Options/External Devices (Mac OS X: Preferences/External Devices) and follow these steps:
1.In the Options/External Devices menu (Mac OS X: Preferences/External Devices), click on the [Add...] button.
2.Choose your device from the predefined device list or set this to New Keyboard if you do not see your device in the list. If set to New Keyboard, you may wish to type in a Manufacturer Name and a Device Name in the appropriate fields. This makes identifying your Keyboard easier.

3.Specify which MIDI channels to used to communicate with this Keyboard. All MIDI channels are selected by default. If you are unsure of the appropriate MIDI channels to use, just leave this at the default setting.

4.Engaged Split Channels if you would like to create a separate Instrument Track input for each MIDI channel from the Keyboard.
5.Specify the device to which the Keyboard is sending and the device from which it is receiving via Studio One. Select your device driver name from the drop-down menu for both Receive From and Send To.
6.You can choose to use this Keyboard as your Default Virtual Instrument Input by checking the appropriate box. If you are using only one Keyboard with Studio One, you should check this box.
7.Your Keyboard is now ready for use in Studio One. Click on the "+" button in the External window of the Console to quickly set up a new Keyboard or other External Device.

Reconnect Devices

In most applications, when MIDI devices become disconnected while the application is running, you usually have to restart the application, and the software may crash. In contrast, if an external MIDI device becomes disconnected while Studio One is running with a Song or Project open, the device can be reconnected without restarting Studio One.

If this occurs, navigate to Studio One/Options/External Devices (Mac OS X: Preferences/External Devices) and click on Reconnect at the bottom of the menu. Then reconnect your devices and click OK. The devices should now work normally in Studio One.

If an external device is not present when Studio One is started—for instance, if you’re traveling and don’t have some of your gear with you— the application still runs normally. You should see a warning message that makes you aware of the situation. If your setup frequently changes, you may wish to turn off this warning message by disengaging the Notify Me If Devices Are Unavailable When Studio One Starts option.

Later, when you start Studio One with the device connected to your computer, Studio One recognizes the device automatically, and it can be used exactly as before, with no further setup required.