Questions & Answers

I used to be able to create a network on my macbook pro and join this with my ipad2 using Universal Control - no longer!

0 votes
asked Sep 13, 2016 in UC Surface / Qmix by diggy (150 points)
The Studiolive icon does not show on the iPad.  Any ideas? It works when both join another network  

Macbook Pro early 2011

El Capitan


All latest drivers etc.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer
This is due to Apple altering their Adhoc network capabilities with newer OSX versions. Adhoc use to be a very strong wireless network connection and it has evolved into a weakened but still functioning way to create a quick wireless network. With this diminished signal strength, we too have noted the same thing that you are experiencing. We suggest putting a small router into the setup and you should be fine.