Questions & Answers

Don't see Tracks in the console when creating an empty Instrument Track

+2 votes
asked Sep 13, 2016 in Studio One 3 by Utah_Jackson (140 points)
I created an empty Instrument Track and put a Tone Generator on it with FX. I could see the track in the Mix Console no problem. I closed out S3 and when I re-opened it I can't get the Instrument Track to display in the Mix Console. I right click it and select Show in Console, but nothing. I looked for it in the Channel Listings to the left of the console and it's not listed. I thought it had been hidden but it's not listed. Any ideas?


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 7, 2016 by joshdoyle2 (310 points)
I also have this question. I created 4 empty Instrument tracks which show in the Arrange window but not in the Console.