When a mouse pointer is hovered over a MIDI CC Lane such as CC1 and CC11 in the part editor, Studio One automatically creates automation nodes at the beginning and end of the MIDI part along with a 'ghost' line.
When using instruments and sample libraries that rely on CC1 and CC11 this can create a lot of extra work, having to delete or edit the nodes that were created.
The feature is adding unwanted data to a MIDI part without any input from the user.
If developers would like to keep this feature, it would be useful if they could add a preference that allows the user to enable/disable it.
The image below is a perfect example of the problem. I've create a CC1 crescendo in a MIDI part, then merged it with the following MIDI part which has no data input by myself, just automation nodes created by Studio One by hovering my mouse over it.
Instead of CC1 Modulation continuing at its previous level it resets to zero at the point the parts are merged.
CC11 Expression also has a mind of its own, despite me not entering any data whatsoever in that lane it jumps from 0-100 at the point the parts are merged.
The end result is that I'm forever having to remove MIDI CC nodes that I don't want to be there, completely negating any other workflow positives S1 has.