Questions & Answers

I use Sam Broadcaster to DJ and my mic is not out putting stereo when i speak.

0 votes
asked Oct 7, 2016 in AudioBox USB by jamesoreck (150 points)
This issue has ailed me for 2 years. I have used 2 different of your boxes. At first they worked fine then when windows 7 updates begun it didnt. I use the current version of Sam Broadcaster. I have your usb box. Sterling Mic and Yamaha 4 channel mixer. I broadcast live shows on I CANNOT IN ANYWAY get Sam to broadcast in Stereo. EVEN Audacity doesnt see it in stereo. PLEASE help. This is for when i speak. The statement from spacial is as follows

3. The settings would not be in Sam broadcaster. Please test your Mic on another software for eg Audacity and see if it is still replicating mono. The audio input will be the same as what windows is receiving.

Yashvan Brojmohun
Support Specialist

I am able to get stereo from Studio one but nothing else for stereo Vocals.

My system is an I7 with 16 GB DDR4. windows 10.

James Oreck

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer


As you are using an Audiobox, you should already be aware that each input is mono. 

Input 1 - Left

Input 2 - Right

Mono – one sound source, one location.

Stereo– two distinct sound sources, different location OR multiple sources in different location summed up to two audio recording signal (left and right). If the vocal performance is more than a single sound source; of course the nature of sound is not mono anymore; instead this is where you start treating them as stereo.

Audiobox USB Manual:

Page 25:

We recommend that you create a mono input for each of the inputs on your AudioBox USB. If you plan on recording in stereo, you should also create a stereo bus and assign it to the appropriate set of inputs. You can remove any bus by simply selecting it and clicking the Remove button. To customize the names of your buses, double-click on the default name to open a text box. When you have finished typing, hit Enter.

0 votes
answered Oct 9, 2016 by jonkonecny (140 points)

Mono – one sound source, one location.

Stereo– two distinct sound sources, different location OR multiple sources in different location summed up to two audio recording signal (left and right). If the vocal performance is more than a single sound source; of course the nature of sound is not mono anymore; instead this is where you start treating them as stereo.
