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Multiple midi notes stacked on top of each other: How did this happen and how do I fix it?

+4 votes
asked Oct 15, 2016 in Studio One 3 by alexjason (230 points)
edited Oct 15, 2016 by alexjason

On one midi instrument track -- in the piano roll editor -- I have discovered that there are actually 7 notes "underneath" each note. Each note in this "stack" is identical in duration and velocity. I can click on a note, drag it down and then the note underneath will show. I can drag that note down further -- and keep doing this until I have done this 7 times. Another way to explain this problem is that if I click on and delete a note, it will still be there -- until I do this 8 times. Then the note is gone.

I have no idea how I created all these notes on top of each other. My problem now is how to delete the 7 extra notes in each note stack. If I select all the notes with the arrow tool, all the underneath notes get selected along with the top note so I can't use delete because it will delete all the notes. But if I just click on one note, I can delete just one note at a time.

I discovered this problem because the track instrument was playing very loudly. But when I deleted a segment of notes and insert recorded a new segment, those new notes played back at much lower (correct) volume.  I don't want to play with the gain levels on this track, I want to get rid of the extra 7 notes. I can do this individually but there are many notes in this track. I'm hoping to find an easier way to delete all the extra notes. I would also like to know how I created all these notes so it won't happen again.

7 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2016 by kevinpaez (200 points)
Were you recording with both a standard MIDI input AND a USB MIDI connection?
+1 vote
answered Dec 25, 2016 by Strumzilla (180 points)

I have the same issue. I recorded midi and audio from a Roland TD-30 and for some reason I'm getting 5-7 midi notes for each actual triggered note.  Thankfully, the audio sounds fine without any extra information. Interestingly, you don't really hear the extra midi notes but it does make it difficult to edit them after the fact. Screenshot below, that should be two kick drum notes on top with two hi-hat notes below. This was recorded via the USB output from the TD-30 into a Macbook Pro. I was using EZ Drummer as the plugin. Audio was into a Presonus StudioLive 16.4.2. 

0 votes
answered May 31, 2018 by hermanvangelder (230 points)
I've encoutered something similar. Try changing the input of your channel from "all inputs" to a specific device you use to play your midi (in my case a nordlead 2 synth).

If this helps it's certainly a bug that needs to be ironed out (let's hope it is in version 4)
0 votes
answered Oct 20, 2018 by markbeling (1,450 points)
Hi i am on the latest version of Studio One, and have recently stared noticing an issue when recording stacato notes, whether i use my Kronos or NI Komplete Kontrol to play the notes in. The first couple of notes are as played in but the some notes are sustaining for no apparent reason what so ever.

I have no doubt that there will be a fix

Pls help if you think of what i could be doing wrong

Thank you
0 votes
answered Oct 15, 2020 by radekpilich (330 points)
This problem is real. It can happen when overdubing or other scenarios. I would like to have some MIDI editing function that would be helpful for selecting / merging / deleting duplicate notes.
0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2021 by kentbrooks (180 points)

You need to use the "delete notes..." function.  If you are in the quantize toolbar and you click "action" it will be available in the drop down menu, or if you right click on a midi track or notes and hit "musical functions" you will see "delete notes..."

once you click "delete notes..." a menu will pop up and you can select "delete double notes" - which is the same as duplicate notes.

0 votes
answered May 22, 2024 by victor_magosso (140 points)
Hi friend! Recently I've faced this issue and I noticed that when configuring the MIDI control (in my case this one I only use for piano lines and this problem was bothering me so much), I needed to restrict the channel. You can go to configurations (Ctrl + ,) and select External Devices and select the MIDI device with problems, and then MIDI channels select only one.

Let me know if worked :)