Questions & Answers

headphone output on 1818 makes no sound

+1 vote
asked Nov 8, 2016 in AudioBox USB by jimhenry (160 points)
hi- i have audiobox 1818. i'm using it as an interface with an ipad air and i'm running the recording app auria.  not sure how to get the headphone output to work.  i no longer have the vsl software and it's no longer available.  i downloaded the universal control and updated the firmware.  but i have no idea how to make the headphone output work.  can somebody talk me through it?  thanks, jim h

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
The 1818 headphone jack is routed as outputs 7/8. Therefore you'll need to configure an output to route to 7/8 on the 1818 or the headphone jack will not work. However, the 1818 is not and has never been supported for use with iPads so it may not work even if configured correctly.