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MIDI notes not playing back accurately and not complete when exporting to Project.

+1 vote
asked Nov 17, 2016 in Studio One 3 by chandlerbriggs (1,520 points)
edited Nov 17, 2016 by chandlerbriggs
I have been working with MIDI a lot recently and find that some notes in the mix do not play back in the right time, they are late and further when exporting a job to a project, some of the notes are missing altogether, (this does seem specific at this point to Drum tracks). at times, notes play at the wrong time, this will also get exported as such. True this could be a memory issue (I have a Mac with 8GB, using Studio One Pro 3.3 in El Capitan) but I want to vet this. Also I have found by saving as... and the immediately adding to a project, will resolve the missing notes in the project.

As an associated question, is StudioOne multi-threaded? If not this would sure be a great enhancement for the Mac, version.

Thank you for your replies.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered May 15, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer
Studio One does use multiple threads, yes.

If your export seems to miss some midi notes or exhibits other issues, try doing the render in real time.   It's the case that some virtual instruments have trouble with faster than real time rendering so that may help.

If you continue to have those issues and can't resolve them, please make a support ticket so that a support rep can look deeper into your system and Studio One configuration for a potential solution.