Questions & Answers

I closed MIDI automation bar in a project by accident, How can I get it back?

0 votes
asked Mar 21, 2021 in Studio One 5 by lingshihao (120 points)
edited Mar 21, 2021 by lingshihao
I  closed  MIDI automation bar in a project by accident, How can I get it back?

It makes me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I barely can understand the answer, would you please give me some pictures.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2021 by wesleypeterson (20,960 points)
Below the keyboard in Edit mode you have the graph lines (show automation lanes), plus sign (add automation lane), and a minus sign (remove automation lane). Click on the show automation lanes one and it should bring it up. If it doesn't, click the plus sign next to it to show a new automation lane.