With all due respect chrishutton, I'm afraid you're confused my friend. What the videos are showing is NOT volume automation..it's Clip Gain. Clip Gain and Volume Automation are two different features in Pro Tools, and in Studio One as well. Watch the videos again and you'll see that they are manipulating Clip Gain, and not Volume Automation. Both the Clip Gain line and the Volume Automation line are edited in very much the same way, so that's probably where the confusion lies. Also, Clip Gain was introduced in PT10. So if you're using an earlier version then you wouldn't be familiar with it.
With regards to the original post, both PT and S1 have clip gain. The difference is that S1's clip gain is static, meaning that you can only raise or lower the volume for the entire clip. With PT, the clip gain is dynamic, meaning that you can draw volume manipulation envelopes within the clip itself.
As indicated in my first post I was having a little heartburn about the lack of dynamic clip gain myself. But I'm finding out that the static clip gain is still getting the job done for me, just by splitting the clip into several smaller clips, and manipulating each one. So its not that much of an issue for me any more.