Questions & Answers

How to install/ use plugins (studio 3 pro)?

0 votes
asked Nov 27, 2016 in Studio One 3 by calebwoelcke (260 points)
I downloaded dsk overture which according to the web should be compatible with studio one.  Inside the zip there is a dll and a read me. I have unzipped and inserted the dll into my vst folder as per instructions. (though not in the default one, I made a new one in presonus mapped to me mass storage drive). According to all the instructions it should work, but if its working I have no clue where it is. (I have looked in every place I could think of it being). Any suggestions on how to fix/ find it would be appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 2, 2016 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
Best answer
Things like this will happen if the VST is 32 bit, and you are using a 64 bit version of S1. Also, in the locations tab in preferences, make sure that you check off Rest Blacklist, and also scan at startup is selected.

To verify if the 32/64 bit is getting in the way, install the opposite version as you have installed from your presonus account, and see if the plugin shows up then.

Last possible scenario, you are using Artist version that does not support 3rd party vst without purchasing the add on.