Questions & Answers

How do I setup my FaderPort 8 with Ableton Live?

+1 vote
asked Dec 1, 2016 in FaderPort 8 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)

How do I setup my FaderPort 8 with Ableton Live?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 1, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer

Step 1 - Select MCU mode

To use your FaderPort 8 within Ableton Live you'll first need to ensure the FP8 is set to MCU mode. 

  1. Power off the FaderPort 8
  2. Hold the first and second "Select" buttons on the FP8
  3. Power the unit back on
  4. Once the unit has powered up and displays "Select Control Mode" across the top of the scribble strips you can release the Select buttons
  5. Select "MCU"
  6. Press the eighth "Select" button ("EXIT" will be displayed on the scribble strip above this Select button)

You are now in MCU mode on your FaderPort 8 and will remain in MCU mode even if you power the device off. To change to a different mode execute the steps listed above but select a different mode (such as HUI or Studio One mode).

Step 2 - Open Live's Preferences menu

Once you've opened Ableton Live you'll need to access Live's Preferences menu:

  • PC - Go to the Options drop down menu and select Preferences, or you can press Ctrl + ,
  • Mac - Go to the Live drop down menu and select Preferences, or you can press Command + ,

Now go to the Link MIDI tab of the Preferences menu.

  1. Under Control Surface selet Mackie Control
  2. Select the PreSonus FP8 as your Input and Output
  3. Under MIDI Ports, toggle the Track, Sync, and Remote buttons to "On" for the PreSonus FP8

Your screen should look something like the image below:

Your FaderPort 8 should now be synced and ready for use with Ableton Live.
