Questions & Answers

Question regarding upgradeability for the VST/AU/Re-Wire Support Add-On (currently using Studio One 3 Artist)

+1 vote
asked Dec 11, 2016 in Studio One 3 by rajeshsekar (140 points)
I couldn't find a similar question, so here goes.

I have recently purchased Studio One 3 Artist, and will definitely be buying the VST/AU/Re-Wire Support Add-On. So my question is, if I purchase the Add-On, will it then automatically be available to install in, if I upgrade to future versions of Studio One (V4, V5 etc...)? Or will it be locked to V3 (i.e. do I need to then purchase the Add-On again and again for future versions)? If it's the latter, I must say, it's rather inconvenient and pricey.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2016 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
It may not be known at this time. Add Ons are relatively new to V3, so we haven't hit the V4 situation yet.