Questions & Answers

Can't set up knobs and other buttons with my mac

–1 vote
asked Dec 14, 2016 in Studio One 3 by elinalait (140 points)

I have Studio One 3 and Nektar Impact LX61. Just updated to new version. I can play some sounds, but not every instruments. And I can't set my controllers. My midi learn not working. I have Mac with El Capitan version.

Also I can't set up mu sustain pedal. It's annoying, cause I need to control them. In Logic X, I can set up for learn, but it's not learning. 

Port and connection is ok, sound is coming out main problem is controller.

How can I set up it?

I tried (almost) in manual and searched in internet, but just not working, maybe with some computers is not working?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

IIRC, Studio One's midi learn function via Control Link only works with CC's not midi note messages, so if your controller is sending it midi note messages (like for button toggles) it may not learn them.  If that is the case you will have to manually edit the surface files to bind the device controls to midi note messages.  Of course, the above assumes that your device's midi input is setup correctly and some messages appear to be ignored in learn mode.

User Niles has a website that outlines how to edit some of those things...
