Questions & Answers

Setting Up AKAI MPK mini plus buttons in Studio One 5.5

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asked Aug 9, 2023 in Studio One 5 by stevearndt (140 points)
edited Aug 9, 2023 by stevearndt
I'm trying to setup my AKAI mini plus MIDI in Studio One 5.5.  I found a video online that shows how to setup it up in Studio One 6 but not 5.5.  The video tells you to go to Options, then External Devices.  And then to add two external devices - an MPK 49/66/81 with a receive of MPK mini plus, and a New Control Surface with a receive of MPK mini plus.  I've done that and get sound through the Studio One.  The next thing it wants you to do is to "learn" the buttons on the MIDI, by clicking on the Mix button in the lower right of the page and then click on Learn in External Controls.  I've figured out how to do this and set basic commands for reverse, forward, stop, start, and record.  How do you add the other buttons like Prev Step, Next Step, etc.