Questions & Answers

Ability to move transport bar to the top

+68 votes
asked Dec 22, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by ramunasvabolis (950 points)

Id love to see ability to move transport panel to the upper part of studio one. :) Im used alot to FL Studio transport panel being in upper part, i think this flexibility would give easier transformation from one to another daw :)

9 Answers

+12 votes
answered Dec 22, 2016 by -Luis- (22,800 points)
selected Jan 11, 2017 by mattcaprio
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

To vote:

In agreement click on the little blue triangle pointing up.

In disagreement click on the little blue triangle pointing down.

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

+15 votes
answered Jan 4, 2017 by samirelborno (8,410 points)

Something like this?

+6 votes
answered Jan 5, 2017 by ramunasvabolis (950 points)
yes yes! like that :) i hope Presonus will add this feature :)
+14 votes
answered Jan 5, 2017 by -tunes- (1,580 points)
and make it detachable or a pop-up transport like Pro Tools.
+9 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by dannyjones3 (790 points)
Yes...I am a Sonar refugee and I always had it at the top, although it was able to float and go anywhere you wanted.
0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2019 by chrishillery1 (180 points)
Would be very nice. On an ultrawide monitor (which are becoming quite common), there's room for both the toolbar and the transport bar next to each other.
+1 vote
answered Mar 24, 2020 by valentinosciacca1 (8,410 points)
That would be amazing! Can't wait to see that! :)
+1 vote
answered Nov 26, 2020 by leomccartie (200 points)
I use 4 monitors would like to move Transport bar where i want it for ease of use
+1 vote
answered Oct 26, 2023 by KevinFitzpatrick9363 (260 points)
Yes!  Please please please put the TRANSPORT AT THE TOP!  This is so confusing to look at the bottom for all these controls, kind of a backwards UX/UI decision.  Or at least let us customize it to be at the top, or floating like Pro Tools.