Questions & Answers

Software installer won't work

0 votes
asked Dec 27, 2016 in AudioBox USB by andrewwhite16 (150 points)
recategorized Dec 28, 2016 by mattcaprio
I've just received an iTwo for Christmas but when I started to download the software for it I didn't get very far at all. The first program I tried was the installer but every time I try to open the program I keep getting a vague message that there is a fault. I've tried downloading it twice now with no success. I'm running Windows 10, 64-Bit

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
Are you referring to the Universal Control driver installer or are you referring to the Studio One software?

Either way, I would recommend contacting PreSonus technical support via support ticket. Just go to and click on "Create a support ticket".

Make sure you give them as much detail as you can regarding what file you are having trouble with and what errors you are seeing.

They will be able to walk you through the process.