Questions & Answers

Make Faderport 8 reflect scene selection

+95 votes
asked Dec 29, 2016 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by joelevenden3 (520 points)
I would really love the Faderport 8 to reflect my scene changes, so I can flip through my mix scenes and work on different instrument groups and immediately have the corresponding faders right there, right now it's crazy to have only my guitars on screen but still have to bank through the whole mix on the Faderport 8 just to make it reflect what's on-screen.

This is a must have! please make it so.

9 Answers

+4 votes
answered Aug 24, 2017 by joelevenden3 (520 points)
edited Dec 11, 2017 by joelevenden3
Best answer
For anyone interested in this feature, I have discovered a work-around.

1 - Prepare your Console Scenes, I tend to do it in groups, all vox, all gtrs etc...
2- Then put the Faderport 8 into remote mode by pressing Shift+All on the Faderport.
3 - In Studio One 3, bottom left of the mixer, click on the little remote button, (doing so disables the Console Scene drop down menu) so at first I didn't think this would work,  however I've since discovered that if you right click in the channel or track window you are able to select your scenes and the Faderport 8 does follow!  This isn't as easy as it should be, but it get's me by for now, will update if I figure out an easier solution.
+17 votes
answered Dec 30, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

To vote:

In agreement click on the little blue triangle pointing up.

In disagreement click on the little blue triangle pointing down.

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

+3 votes
answered May 3, 2017 by williamadeaniii (650 points)
I attempted to respond twice and my comments were lost in both instances -- hoping for success in this third attempt...  I agree with the enhancement request to update the FaderPort 8 syncronization when selecting tracks from the PC.

Also, I'd add there seems to be a difference in behavior if using the Prev/Next or Encoder when using the Channel of Bank modes and updating the PC.  The Prev/Next buttons seem to only update the FaderPort 8, the actual selection of tracks occur on the FaderPort 8 or PC but neither updates after the selection.

The encoder is a little better when using the channel or bank mode, if you turn the encoder and depress for a selection the FaderPort 8 updates (Yes) however during this time the PC monitor is the only visual indicator of what track your about to select because the FaderPort 8 only shows the current bank.

My request is to make us of the 'Shift' button to re-dirrect the engineers focus from the FaderPort 8 to the PC when using Prev/Next or the Encoder.  For example in normal mode the FaderPort 8 should be where you look for changes-- in this mode the 'select' icon would advance by 1 track when using Prev/Next or 8 tracks when using Bank.  When 'shift' is enabled you look at the PC monitor -- in this mode the selected track advances by 1 track with Prev/Next and 8 track with Bank.
+1 vote
answered Jun 23, 2017 by scissorkicks (420 points)
Just got a Faderport 8 and I'm loving hit. I'm a Pro Tools refugee, and I used to use the (IIRC) shift+opt+click on track to scroll it into view on the controller. I'm mixing a couple of high track count projects in S1 at the moment and this would be a godsend.
+2 votes
answered Jul 23, 2017 by krebenjamin (220 points)
I think it would be a great feature! Is it on its way?
+4 votes
answered Dec 11, 2017 by matthieulizot (820 points)
Seriously we do have to vote for this kind of basic feature ???
I mean how any one with an eight faders console wouldn't be interested in seeing the hardware reflect scenes from the software ?... How could you guys at presonus think that this feature could not be of first importance ?
I really like the faderport 8 but I am very disappointed with that kind of situation that look like the S1 was built only by programers and not in close contact with musicians and producers.  Creating a new controller with new features is cool. But not taking into account some features that already existed in some of your competitors products is a pity...
+3 votes
answered Jun 26, 2018 by msexton5 (200 points)
edited Jun 26, 2018 by msexton5
Not sure if you have gotten an answer for this, but here is what I'm doing. If you click the remote button on studio one and hit shift+all on faderport it will link everything. So first, I created my scenes and locked them in studio one. I then created a key shortcut for next scene and previous scene. Now when I enable remote and hit shift+all on the faderport, I can change scenes with my new shortcuts (+ and -) and the faderport reflects each scene change.

This pretty much eliminates the need to use the audio, bus, vca, and VI buttons on the faderport.

Hope that helps!

Edit: you can also program user 1 and user 2 buttons to previous and next scene.. then just hit shift to switch between scenes.
0 votes
answered Jan 16, 2019 by Leftside (180 points)

This is already possible! Its working like  msexton5 wrote above. Its working great!

0 votes
answered Dec 5, 2019 by moondance2009 (1,170 points)
Ive made scene changes by using Marcus Huyskins (studio one expert) key command shortcut Opt/Com and use the -+ icons to go back and forth, as many as you like, Also ipad on S1 remote App works well changing the scenes, id expect Faderport to b as simple?