Questions & Answers

StudioLive Scene & Preset Backup & Transfer

0 votes
asked Aug 19, 2015 in Classic Mixers by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
For the StudioLive 2442, StudioLive 1642 and the StudioLive 1602, how are scenes and presets backed up and transferred?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 19, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

Backups of all types are very important for a variety of reasons.  A backup can often save you time and trouble should you have some sort of system issue or hardware/software anomaly.  Your Studiolive and VSL work together to provide you with the ability to not only create and store Scene's and Presets, but also to back them up in case you need to recover from some unforeseen issue. 

You should always do a backup before the following:

  1. Installing a new version of Universal Control
  2. Performing a Firmware Update
  3. Performing a Factory Reset
  4. Modifying your computers hardware
  5. installing OS updates or re-installs of the OS

It is also advised that you perform backups of all your presets and scenes on a regular schedule (once a week, once a month, etc.).

You can read about the VSL browser functions, including scene and preset backup and transfer in section 3.2 VSL: Browser, starting on pg 23 of the latest StudioLive Software Library reference manual:

NOTE:  If you are connecting two StudioLive 16.4.2 mixers, be sure to save the scenes from the individual mix pages.  One page will not save both mixer's presets and scenes.


How to Back Up Your Scenes:

1.  When you first launch VSL, you will need to create a link between

your StudioLiveā€˜s internal memory and your computer. To do this,

click on the Get button.


2.  VSL allows you to back up your Scenes, Fat Channel, FX, and graphic EQ presets and permanently store them on your computer. Each type of preset can be added separately. In this way, you can back up only what you want, when you want.

To move a Scene or preset from temporary memory into permanent memory, simply select one preset or Scene and click the Add to Disk button. To select multiple presets, hold the Shift key while making your selections (Cntrl gives you single select).


***Once you have your scenes in the on the Disk Section of the browser, you will be able to find them in Documents > Presonus > StudioLive > Library and you should be able to retrieve them their.  

These files can be emailed, put on a jump drive, or burned to a CD easily and transferred.


Browser locations of the Scene/preset files:

PC = C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\PreSonus\StudioLive\Library\

Mac = MacHD/Users/[Username]/Documents/PreSonus/StudioLive/Library/


Sending your Scenes and Presets back to the mixer:

VSL makes reorganizing all the Scenes and presets stored on 
your StudioLive as easy as dragging-and-dropping a file. To load 
your StudioLive with new Scenes and presets, simply drag any 
Scene or preset from the On the Disk section of the Browser to 
any position in the Device Memory section of the Browser.

Press the "Get" button on the VSL Browser to receive the device's memory


See how I have a scene labeled "New Scene" now that has been dragged and dropped into the "Device Memory."


To send your Presets back to the mixer, simply hit the "Send" button on the Device Memory.  Once this is done, the Scene Memory on the mixer will populate the scenes in the exact order in which they were stored on the Device Memory section of VSL.








Create and Restore Backups of you Mixer:


The backup tab allows you to create complete time-stamped snapshots

of your StudioLive.  This can be especially useful when completing a project

that may need to be revisited in the future.  To create a backup, simply click

on the Backup button.


Click on The Browser "Backup" here:


And then press the Backup Button on the "Device Memory"


Then the screen will read:



The backup will then show up like so in your "On the Disk" Section:


Restoring from a Backup:


To restore an backup file, select it on the "On the Disk" portion of the Browser and click the Restore button.


You will be warned that any Scene or Preset currently loaded in the Device

Memory section of the Browser will be overwritten.  Click "Yes" to continue. 


Once your backup is restored you can click the Send Button to transfer your Scenes and presets Back to the StudioLive.


If you need further assistance, please contact us at
