Questions & Answers

recommendation for avoid that the memory of the device could be deleted? may be a turn on and turn off procedure?

0 votes
asked Jan 2, 2017 in Ai Mixers by danielgarduo (150 points)
Hi, i have two mixers working on different places, one time i found one of them with a complete restart it looks with all channels restarted so i tried to restore a backup but it doesnt work i had to do all the calibrations. recently i had the same issue with the second mixer, it looks with all parameters reseted

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 10, 2017 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
Best answer
Please submit a Support Ticket. Technical Support is better suited to troubleshoot your issue.
0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
edited Jan 3, 2017 by wahlerstudios
The mixers are doing an "auto save" every 30 or 40 seconds. If a power failure catches the board right in the middle of an auto save, there is no "previous state" any more and it looks like that the boards then tend to revert to default. This was reported and discussed in the forums (search for UPS or power failure). There is not really anything you can do against it, especially if the boards are running 24/7, as I guess from what you write. You have do everything (!!!!!) to prevent any power failure, power drop or power peak. Digital concoles are computers and therefore not very "resistant" against power problems!
0 votes
answered Jan 3, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)

The computer does not like my answers at the monent... angry As you can guess from my answer this is not a specific problem with the PreSonus mixer. In order to make them play 24/7, continous electrical power needs to be guaranteed.
