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Serious crashing and freezing problems in Studio One

+15 votes
asked Sep 9, 2017 in Studio One 3 by jirinovotny (250 points)


I'm having huge issues working with busier/larger projects in Studio One because of freezes and crashes.

The most serious issue is as follows -

If I'm working on a larger project I reach a point where the project freezes. I can move my cursor and click on things on my screen, I however can't play, stop or record. This is accompanied by a loud stuttering sound. It sounds like this

This is not a random glitch. Once this problem appears It happens in exactly the same spot in this project every time. For example bar number 85 will from now on always trigger this.
I originally thought that this was caused by a faulty 3rd party plugin.

If I go through the project switching off all plugins one by one at some point I will find the one that is causing the issue (this process takes a long time, constantly restarting the program after freezes). Most often the problem plugin is a native PreSonus 'Sample One' plugin. However sometimes this can happen with 3rd party plugins also.

On top of this, approximately every 4th startup of a busy project will start with a 100% CPU usage even though the project should comfortably be under 40%. This sometimes requires 2-3 restarts of Studio One to fix.

I have experienced these issues on both of my computers (Laptop and a desktop PC). I do not experience these issues in other DAWs (Reaper, Ableton, Cubase)

The combination of these issues basically makes Studio One unusable for me which is incredibly frustrating as you can imagine. Especially since I really like the software and have been planning to buy Fader Port 8 and dive deeper into the PreSonus universe.

My setup is

64bit Studio One, 3.5.1 Professoinal
UAD Apollo Twin (USB)
i7-7700k – 4.2Ghz

64bit Win10 Professional

Do any of you have experience with these issues and potentially fixing them?



18 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 14, 2017 by tombaustian2 (460 points)
selected Jun 28, 2019 by nickmaggio
Best answer
Hey Jiri,

I'm Not really having an answer to your question, But i have the same problem with the cpu stuff. I got the Slate Everything Bundle a week ago and a few days ago i started mixing a Session with 50 Tracks with just about 20 Slate plugins first and my CPU suddenly was at 100% and i'm trying fixing it for 3 days now.

Have you already found a way to fix this Problem?


+1 vote
answered Sep 25, 2017 by angel2808 (820 points)
Hi guys,

I have the same using

iMac Core i7 3.4 Ghz- 32 GB 1600 DDR 3, Apollo Twin Duo

No problems ever in Logic Pro X

Trying it out to see if I could go full on PreSonus with a SL 16 and Studio One.

These crashes are really scaring me off. Hope there is a solution.



PS I also have artifacts when printing and the instance is crashing everytime before it finishes.
+3 votes
answered Oct 1, 2017 by jwh123 (200 points)
Hey people same issue here.... Makes mixing the track extremely difficult. Can't believe there has been no answer or advice on things to check on this??? It can't be that we all have faulty ram issues. Its got to be something on studio one v3 side of plugins.
Anyways hopefully someome from presonus answers soon.
+1 vote
answered Oct 29, 2017 by reyvelaz (170 points)
I have the same problem. I tried everything and nothing works.
+1 vote
answered Nov 8, 2017 by benjamintaylor1 (170 points)
same here.  I use Artist so I was figuring that it was that they made it cheap on purpose.  screw it, im getting ableton
+2 votes
answered Dec 3, 2017 by jbandes (300 points)
I am using Studio One 3 and recording very long Reel to Reel Tapes in 96KHz at 24 bit. It records fine and then I start adding VST plugins (Both VST3 and VST2) from various vendors Waves, Fabfilter etc. Suddenly the whole session freezes solid. Upon reboot I sometimes cant even remove the VST's without stopping the service first. I have also observed when I launch the program that the plugin does not display correctly and then again it freezes. I am on the latest version of Personus Studio One 3 Professional. I exported the WAV file and imported it in to Pro Tools and no problem. I hate Pro Tools so I hope they can fix this soon. Its driving me crazy.
+1 vote
answered Aug 10, 2018 by musicmould (1,870 points)
I don't know if you ever solved your problems but I was in the same situation and finally I switched computer and changed/upgraded more or less everything. I thought my problems would be over. However, the problems have persisted and actually more or less escalated. It's not just random problems, it's bugs galore to the point that I have now decided to leave Studio One even though I basically love the features in the program but I just can't make it work. Hope you find a solution. I didn't.
+1 vote
answered Aug 30, 2018 by maikewatson (580 points)
Just wana go on record and say this happens to me too. I spent hours today working on an orchestral cue, about 95% done, and now studio one won't respond. It's a large project but i literally can't do anything or access the work, export, nothing. It opens and just freezes. I have a very powerful pc and am nowhere near full capacity when it stops responding. This may be the final straw for me with S1. not okay!
+1 vote
answered Oct 28, 2018 by puncturevine (550 points)
Same issue; relatively current macbook pro, apollo twin. Sudden stuttering at random locations, usually freezes up right after. Tried driver updates/higher buffers, no dice.
+1 vote
answered Dec 17, 2018 by kenmetcalf (310 points)

I have the same problem (Freezing momentarily) 10-15 seconds 

 using S1-4 Pro with SL series 3 on a Imac.

Has anyone answered any of this?

I am wondering if it is too many songs in a project or too many plug-ins?

Seems from what I have read upping my memory chips is not an answer.

Currently running 12GB RAM and could go to 16GB but... ?

+1 vote
answered Dec 22, 2018 by noahcronin (540 points)
This also happens to me, only on certain songs. I can't figure out what is causing it. I use most the same plugs in all sessions and have tried removing before freezing but still no luck. This along with keyboard sustain still being an issue is gonna make me wanna move out of studio one.
+1 vote
answered Jan 25, 2019 by simoncortes (290 points)

Same problem here. One of my project won't pass te bar N°21 without freezing the soft for 3-4 seconds. Then the mouse is back but none of the controls is working. The sound freezed won't stop until you shut down the app.

I've removed (not disabled, but really removed) all the plugs or instruments. Only have audio tracks now but it's still the same..

Anybody has a solution for this ? Do someone experienced to export his tracks into a brand new project ?

0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2019 by glynhumphreys (140 points)
I've also been in a similar boat to all of you on this thread. After reading I had a though. If it's perhaps being clunky and crashing often, is it something to do with there being too much for S1 to manage? I.e. too many tracks?

You've mostly mentioned this happens to you on big projects, so my question to you guys is;

Do you erase tracks you've recorded over, or are they all kept in the folder?

I've erased all unused files, in hopes of solving the issue. After restarting my computer (the only thing I can do after S1 crashes), and then removing unused files. S1 seemed to open quicker, and behave more snappy and smooth.

Maybe something to look into?
I'll check back in and update this comment if it continues to perform okay, or if I still have the same issue anyway.

0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2020 by fredriklidin (1,500 points)

I have the same experience. I have found out that this can happen when you load Studio One with too much stuff. For me problems start appearing when I have for example 100+ tracks, many layers, many plugins, unrendered Melodyne edits, etc – large projects. I had the stuttering as well on my old computers. On my new computers the stuttering doesn't happen. However, it seems that Studio One can still just freeze at any moment if the workload is too great. My new computers are a brand new MacBook Pro (16 inch) with 64GB of RAM and my desktop computer is from XI-Machines and is equipped with a 10 core Xeon(R) W-2155 processor and 128 GB of RAM. In other words: plenty of processing power.

I have no problem with limitations like these as long as they are known and clearly stated. It would save some frustration if there were some guidelines for maximum stability. For example: "up to X number of tracks", "render processing to audio files as soon as possible", "avoid exceeding X number of scratch pads or layers", "delete unused tracks", "X number of VST and/or VSTi", etc. I know that this is correlated to the users specific computer power, but anyway.

I absolutely love working with Studio One, but these issues really puts a cap on that joy sometimes. On average I think that all DAW's have their issues. If a DAW is incredibly stable there might be a frustrating workflow or lack of functions instead. In the case of Studio One, it seems that the workflow and features are outstanding, but the stability isn't.
0 votes
answered Apr 1, 2020 by simonebaldoni (3,350 points)
I had the same problem when I was  recording  many tracks
+1 vote
answered Apr 13, 2020 by davidstorey1 (220 points)

I am also having the same issues with Studio One 4 Artist. May have to move to different software.... sad

0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2020 by moradrowshan (270 points)
I'm a brand new Cakewalk refugee, but it looks like i have to go back, and i really hate that DAW. Studio 4 freezes so much, and so fast that i can't even learn the program. The whole thing shuts down and the only choice i have is to reboot the computer, which mine takes forever so thats fun. I have not recorded one single note, and im having the same problem all of you have,so from these responses on this forum, im not wasting another minute on this, sad as im really blown away by the features and editing capabilities of this program, which is why i came here instead of Pro Tools. I have a i5 processor  with 16G of RAM which i know isn't the most powerful, but its worked great so far
0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2021 by ernestpaulcornejo (140 points)
Your description of how Studio One 5 crashes in your computer is exactly what I've experienced too. The only difference from your situation though, is that my problem is only triggered one one single file. It's not particularly large - just 17 tracks; however, while the song is playing, the app crashes and freezes regardless of what bar I'm on, whether there's clipping or not, or how much time's passed. Yes, I can move tracks and notes around, but I can also save - but only on the file I'm currently on.