Questions & Answers

no audio device?

0 votes
asked Jan 9, 2017 in AudioBox USB by emilypaul (150 points)
Hello, just today I got my PreSonus studio one and audiobox USB interface; however, studio one keeps saying I have no audio device only windows sound (I'm running on windows 10). I can hear myself through the headphones when I speak into the microphone, my audiobox interface is just not detected? Whenever I switch USB ports it tells me to configure to stereo but I only have studio? (In the systems settings for sound on PC)


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 10, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
You most likely do not have the device driver installed.

Mac OS X systems the AudioBox USB is plug and play no driver required.

Windows systems require the driver must be installed, here is the link to the download page for the AudioBox USB device drivers:

Additionally you should learn some basics about how to use your AudioBox USB to learn how the knobs on the front influence how you listen and record audio.