Questions & Answers

get rid of the bloat? (multi-instrument alternative idea)

0 votes
asked Jan 19, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by rhyswilliams1 (360 points)
hi everyone,

so i thought the multi-instrument and split fx was cool in the advert lol....but actually im not really a fan of it.

i find it quite awkward to use:

another window for one which is annoying

it's over complicated!

i think a better alternative is just to have master groups

so you select a couple of tracks and create a master group..... inside your master group if you add an fx buss it comes up as a track inside the master group.  only tracks inside the master group can route to those busses....  everything goes to the master group which can route out like a normal track to busses in your project.  then when you collapse the group folder you can just drag the block onto an audio track and it will bounce the whole master group.   hope that all makes sense....  its a simple idea!

frequency split ect could be added easily to this but instruments and fx still have their own track which i think improves workflow and is just easier i feel


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)

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