Questions & Answers

How do I get rid of popping noise and error messages regarding the AudioBox USB 96?

0 votes
asked Sep 1, 2017 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by brittneyhayden (150 points)
After recording off an on one day I started receiving error prompts about the audio box not initializing and not starting correctly. It has stopped me, mid recording, twice. When it does allow recordins the vocal recordings come out extremely quiet. Also there is a popping noise coming thru the headphones. I then tried to use my blue yeti usb mic in studio one, however it isn't allowing me to record. How do we fix these problems? I have AudioBox USB 96

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 1, 2017 by paulclarke2 (27,400 points)
Best answer
Ensure you have the latest driver installed for your AudioBox USB 96:

If you are a Windows user, you may need to go to Playback/Recording Devices in Control Panel, select the AudioBox and go to Properties >> Advanced. Once there, ensure the same sample rate has been set for both Playback and Recording to match that set in Studio One. Go to menu Song >> Song Setup >> General to set the Sample Rate.

Review the following article regarding the noise issue with your AudioBox:

→ For USB Microphones on Windows: In StudioOne you will set the "Audio Device" setting to your "Windows Audio" then hit "Control Panel" button and set the "Recording" to your Mic in the drop down. Set the latency to the lowest setting as you will be using the Windows Driver for the audio driver.

Set the "Playback" to your computers audio speakers.

This should allow you to configure the USB Mic in StudioOne for use.

→ For USB Microphones on a MAC: Go to Audio Midi Setup, this is found in your Applications/Utilities folder. Set up an Aggregate device and set the input for the aggregate device to the USB Microphone, set the output to the output source you wish to use.

In StudioOne you will set the "Audio Device" setting in Audio Setup options to the Aggregate device you set up in your AudioMidi Setup.

If you continue to have issues, create a support ticket from your my.presonus account.
0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2023 by firesound (200 points)
It is the volume level of whichever sound source is going into the interface that causes this.. In my opinion Presonus needs to make a much better app allowing you to control the parameters of the device and also monitor the input and output levels on all physical inputs and outputs.

I purchased an app called Sound Control from Rogue Amoeba that allows you to control all sound sources on your Mac individually.  So, for example, I have an M1 Mac Mini, the line output is rubbish and noisy, so I use my Audiobox and I use sound control to adjust the levels of all my running apps individually so I get no pops and crackles...