Questions & Answers

Passive Pickups Peaking

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asked Feb 2, 2017 in AudioBox USB by robindiaz (990 points)
Hey guys so lately i've been having a problem recording, i have a 2x2 audio box and for the most part i always record with my esp ltd which has active pickups in it. Not long ago i bought an epiphone les paul 100 ( passive pick ups). Now the problem im having is that whenever i record with my Esp (active pick ups) i can make sure my signal isnt peaking by adjusting the volume in my audio box but with the les paul ( passive pick ups) i always peak even if i set the line level in the audiobox to all the way down. Now i did figure out that if i put my guitars volume down to like half it works like my other guitar without peaking. is there any way i can fix this or by pass it so i dont have to put the volume down on my guitar or is that something thats beyond my control?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 4, 2017 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
Hmm.. here we get into physics a bit I'm afraid. Impedance is the culprit here... and in all honesty a proper interface ( direct box) designed to provide the best QUALITY of recording is preferred. CAN you do what you've been doing? yes...but if you want the best recordings, get a quality direct box. Your quality of recording will suffer other wise.