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Something Similar to Logic Drummer

+30 votes
asked Feb 17, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by stuartmaxwell (4,200 points)
Since my recent move from Logic Pro X , the only thing I really miss is Logic Drummer, mainly it's ability to spin up the MIDI for quick drum tracks when writing (I'd rather use something else like BFD3 for sounds)

Something similar to the in S1 would be great, as far as I see it doesn't have anything?

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered Feb 20, 2017 by kenramsey (160 points)
You can use the VST Jamstix plug-in, which is quite nice, if your version of Studio One supports VST plug-ins.
+1 vote
answered Nov 17, 2022 by Wazatron (1,860 points)
YES!  THIS!!! Generally speaking I've been less than thrilled with the focus on songwriting and ease-of-use tools as opposed to beefing up the mixing focused side of StudioOne, however... THIS would absolutely thrill me. I wish I could play drums, but I just never developed that skillset. I can do everything else I need to do but live / acoustic drums. I have to default to EZ Drummer and other libraries that are stuck on really limited midi grooves / patterns. As someone who rarely writes in 4/4 its SO infuriating and frustrating to have to find decent drum sounds in 3/4. I do try to write my own, but I'm not happy with what I'm able to do.

Drummer in Logic is the only reason why I use Logic at times. It's so amazing and I'm pretty shocked there's not many direct competitors. For a system to automatically follow your tempo and time signature and "play" in various styles and and dynamically add fills and variations... its incredible.

I have tried Jamstix as well. It looks like it could be pretty great, but it doesn't work at all on OSX 11 and up. :(

I'd like to throw all my upvotes here :D This is so in-line with Presonus' song-writer focus lately. Please do this!