Questions & Answers

Having trouble finding information on how to pull my settings from my SL32.4.2ai in preparation for firmware update

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asked Feb 19, 2017 in Ai Mixers by soundguycrossofchrist (120 points)

Despite my travels through the forest of documentation and user guides I've got a couple items I have just not been able to locate when doing a firmware updates.

1> I have seen but not been able to do a firmware update to my SL32.4.2ai using any other method than the factory reset/blast. If this is possible (like with UI) please enlighten me..

2> When forced to do the default firmware update, I've been successful, but have always struggled to figure out how to read my presets out of the board and get those into the new firmware update.. Basically it's a start from scratch each update.. And I just know there has got to be a better way..



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

I suppose you have found this page already. If you have a look at the "Legacy Downloads" and check, to which "period" the present firmware and software of you mixer belong (read the "release notes"), you can imagine that an update from UC AI v.1.0.2 to UC 1.8.3 might cause problems. The SL 3242AI mixers were shipped with UC AI v.1.0.2 and not everybody has done updates continuously... The big changes were Universal Control AI to UC Surface 1.3, then to UC Surface 1.5 and then to Universal Control 1.8. This is the reason why I personally recommend a factory reset with the option card pulled out. It really renews all bits & bytes inside your mixer!

If you are using a computer or iPad with UC Surface or UC Control AI, simply store scenes and presets you want to keep on your computer. You can send them back to the mixer after the firmware upgrade or factory reset. You don't need to use the backup method, just store scenes and presets (sounds) individually. Normally a firmware upgrade does not touch your settings at all. There is no possibility to store backup files in the mixer.

All you need to know about firmware upgrade or factory reset is described here:

This is the latest & greatest. UC Surface 2nd generation is coming in the next days...

​Universal Control 1.8 (Mac/PC)  v1.8.3.40882
UC Surface v1.8.1.39355
