Questions & Answers

Having trouble updating the firmware on my new Presonus Quantum

+1 vote
asked Sep 17, 2017 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by PeterNH (290 points)
I'm setting up my new Presonus Quantum interface. Things are going well so far, but I'm having problems updating the firmware. I'm running this connected to the Thunderbolt port on my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), running Mac Sierra (10.12.6).

When I start the newly downloaded Universal Control, it prompts me to update the firmware. So, I click the Update Firmware button. Both the Universal Control and the Quantum itself show progress, like things are going fine. It competes the update. Then, I turned off the Quantum, unplugged the Thunderbolt cable from both the Quantum and from the Mac. I reconnect the cable, start the Quantum, and then quit and restart Universal Control.

But then Universal Control comes up with the same message. PLEASE UPDATE DEVICE FIRMWARE!

It continues to say I'm running 0.8.49 and Version 1.1.0 is available.

I've tried this about five times now. What's the solution? I can't seem proceed until this is upated successfully.



5 Answers

+3 votes
answered Sep 27, 2017 by paulbeaney (750 points)
selected Oct 6, 2017 by connorguiberteau
Best answer
What do you know - I turned my computer on this morning and UC is now fully operational and says my Quantum is at 1.1-4.  No idea how it fixed itself, but i has.

Update: turns out I forgot to unplug the power plug after the firmware update. Doh!
0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2017 by martydieckmeyer (210 points)
Were you able to figure this out? My problem is when the message PLEASE UPDATE DEVICE FIRMWARE comes up, and i click on it, nothing happens.
0 votes
answered Sep 21, 2017 by PeterNH (290 points)
No, I still haven't found a solution, and this seems to be blocking me from using UC Surface.
0 votes
answered Sep 26, 2017 by paulbeaney (750 points)
Same problem here trying to update from 1.1-0 to 1.1-4.
+2 votes
answered Oct 7, 2017 by PeterNH (290 points)

For the record, paulbeaney got this right. After you run the firmware upgrade and the lights on the Quantum show the progress and success, I believe the popup message on the screen says to disconnect your device for a few seconds, so I assumed it meant to turn off the Quantum and disconnect the thunderbolt cable for 10 second. But I assumed wrong. As it says in the actual manual, you have to turn off the Quantum and disconnect the power cable from the Quantum for a few seconds after the update is applied.

After I did that, it came up fine. RTFM.


