Questions & Answers

Automatically pick new audio output source

0 votes
asked Mar 1, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by michaelupchurch (440 points)
I take my laptop to our practice space and record using a PreSonus Audio One box. Once I bring my laptop home to edit and publish our recordings (these are original songs in development so we keep a latest version and build on it), I use JRiver since the Audio Box is still at my practice space. The problem I want to fix is that every time I load the last session, the one using the Audio Box, I get the error saying that it's not working (which it isn't since it's not attached to my laptop). At that point, it would be great if the pop up with that error allowed me to pick a new source. Since it doesn't, I have to go through all the steps to pick a new audio output source. Doesn't sound like much of a problem until you do it three or four times a week. Alternatively, it would be great if I could select some kind of default source that the system would use if the original source wasn't present. So in this case, I would make JRiver my backup/default choice as a setting. Then when the audio box was plugged in, studio one would recognize it and use it, but if it wasn't, it would default to Jriver (or whatever else people use). Hope all that makes sense. Any way to do it?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2017 by maxstratmann (42,690 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

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