Questions & Answers

Playback dynamics not working properly?

0 votes
asked Mar 5, 2017 in Notion by charlesheselton (180 points)

Looks like this question was asked, but the answer given didn't fix the problem for me.  So, please forgive the overlap.

I am working on a score and the dynamics are just not working in some place, and I don't understand why.

According to the question asked here, dynamics should be applied uniformly to the top or bottom of the staff.  I've done this, and in places, the playback simply rolls along seemingly at whatever dynamic it decided to stop paying attention to any previous markings.

  • clear velocities
  • tweak dynamics
...neither of these seem to make any difference at all.
I'm new to Notion, but what should be intuitive is appearing not to be.
What magical incantation is required to get the playback engine to actually pay attention to the markings I've placed in the score?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 9, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
You will want to open a support ticket and attach a score that illustrates the issue.  You can submit a support ticket in your account by clicking the "Support" tab.  I would really have to take a look at the score in order to see exactly what is going on.  Usually, the problem stems from a dynamic that a person thinks is below a staff, but it is actually above the staff below it.  This will create a situation in which the below staff is no longer reading dynamics below it.  

Another possible scenario is if you used a MIDI keyboard to enter your notation.  It appears that you cleared velocities, so this shouldn't be the case.  If you need to view velocities, simply press the "tab" key on your computer keyboard.  Press Tab again to exit out of the sequencer overlay.  I'm very confident that if you submit a ticket with the score attached to it, Presonus Support will be able to identify the issue.