Questions & Answers

Allow aux mixes to hear effects applies to channels

+2 votes
asked Mar 6, 2017 in Ai Mixers by kritan (280 points)
Hi -

I have been researching and have not been able to find an answer to this, hopefully someone can direct me.

We picked up a RML16AI to replace a StudioLive 16.0.2 for our band's mixer, and it's working great.  We use the Aux mixes as individual monitor mixes and one thing a couple of the singers would like is to hear the effects we have set on the main channels in their mix.  We were able to do this on the 16.0.2 and they got spoiled.

Is there a way to do this?  I can't find anything in the manual (unless I completely missed it) or online on how to do this.



2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 6, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Mar 7, 2017 by kritan
Best answer
StudioLive Software ReferenceManual-EN_V6_210220171, section 5.4

+2 votes
answered Mar 6, 2017 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
I don't have an RM but it is possible I believe. It's very easy on the Ipad, select the Aux mixer and scroll all the way to the right and you'll see the returns, the digital return and the FX buss's you can have in all your aux feeds.